Key activities of seaweed

Brahmakamal has been conducting field trails, training coastal communities & providing R&D support to popularize seaweed cultivation in a commercial & remunerative way to leverage the sustainable usage of the vast coastline of India. Some of the key activities include:

Field Trails for evaluating feasibility
Commercial cultivation in shallow waters
R&D for Seaweed products
Trials for deep sea cultivation

Types of Seaweed

Seaweed, Scientifically Known As Macroalgae, Comes In Several Types, With Each Type Having
Unique Characteristics And Applications.

Brown Algae

Such As Kelp And Bladderwrack, Are The Largest And Most Complex. Brown seaweed is abundant along the Indian coastline and is used for a wide range of purposes, such as producing fertilizers, animal feed, and even biofuel due to its high carbohydrate content.

Red Algae

Like Nori And Dulse, Are Often Used In Culinary Applications. Red seaweed is prized for its agar content, a valuable substance used in various industries, including food processing, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. It is often found in regions with brackish water.

Green Algae

Similar To Sea Lettuce, Are Usually Smaller And Found In Shallow Waters. Green seaweed is easily recognizable by its vibrant green color. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it is commonly used in Indian cuisine, particularly in coastal regions, to prepare dishes like "sagar laddu."

Cultivation Methods in Odisha

Seaweed cultivation, in Odisha offers a promising opportunity for economic development, reduced pressure on wild seaweed populations, and environmental benefits. The state's extensive coastline, favorable environmental conditions, and increasing demand for seaweed-based products make it an ideal location for seaweed cultivation. By implementing suitable cultivation methods and focusing on research and development, Odisha can tap into the potential of this underwater resource.

Seaweed cultivation in Odisha can be done using various methods, including:

Raft farming

Farming: Raft farming involves suspendinglines or nets with seaweed spores in the water. These rafts can be set up inshallow or deeper waters, depending on the seaweed species.

off shore

Offshore Cultivation: In deeper waters, offshoreseaweed farms can be established.These can be more suitable for certainspecies and provide opportunities for scaling up production.

processing and markeing

Longline Cultivation: Longlines are ropes or linesanchored to the seabed with seaweed attached. They can be used to cultivate arange of seaweed varieties.

Longline farming

Maintenance and Harvesting: Regular monitoring andmaintenance of seaweed farms are essential. This includes cleaning the seaweedof any fouling organisms and ensuring optimal conditions for growth. Harvestingcan be done once the seaweed reaches a suitable size, depending on the intendeduse.

off shore

Research and Training: Continuous research andtraining programs are important to improv cultivation techniques, select thebest species, and enhance productivity. Collaboration with scientificinstitutions and fisheries departments can provide valuable support

processing and markeing

Processing and Marketing: After harvesting, theseaweed can be processed into such as food ingredients,fertilizers, cosmetics, or pharmaceuticals. Establishing processing facilitiesand marketing channels is crucial to make the cultivation venture economicallyviable

Varieties found in India

India boasts a rich diversity of seaweed species, with some of the most prominent varieties being:

brown seaweed

Brown Seaweed


Brown Seaweed Of The Sargassum Genus Is Abundant Along The Indian Coastline. It Has Applications In The Production Of Fertilizers, Animal Feed, And Potential Biofuel Sources.

Green Seaweed

Ulva Prolifera

Ulva prolifera is a species of green sea weed that can be found in major coasts of India. This marine alga species is visually filamentous and intertwined together by accumulation after the algae bloom

Red Seaweed

Kappaphycus Alvarezii

Kappaphycus alvarezii is an important source of carrageenans which are used in a variety of foods, such as a Stabilizing agent in dairy products. Industrial products like chocolates, ice creams, packaged food, toothpaste and even medicines, to name a few, utilize this jelly-like agent.

Green Seaweed

Ulva prolifera is a species of green sea weed that can be found in major coasts of India. This marine alga species is visually filamentous and intertwined together by accumulation after the algae bloom

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KIIT University, Bhubaneswar - 751024

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