Who Are We?

We are a team of entrepreneurs, researchers & famers who want to create a sustainable business model that creates a self-livelihood model for coastal Community using Seaweeds and its value added by-products while ensuring a healtier planet and a thriving nation. We see a big oppurtunity in Sea Weeds Farming and its value added extracts and products.

While worldwide this is a multi-billion USD industry, in India, despite its large coastline produces only 0.1% of the world wide output This oppurtunity can be harnessed to create a profitable business model that supports socioeconomic development of costal communities along with supporting net carbon zero mission

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Create a sustainable future for the world and its people using Technology and Self Empowerment of local Community

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Support One Lakh families to earn at least a lakh every year in next 10 year

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Empathy through community & ecosystem development Empowerment through Sustainable Economic Opportunities.
Empowerment through Sustainable Economic Opportunities.
Excellence through continuous innovation & timely execution

The Team

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Dr. Kirti Mishra

Founder & CEO,

Brahma Kamal Research LLP

12+ Years of Experience in Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation for Malaria Control Program of Govt. Of Odisha 10+ years of Research experience in Algal Biochemistry, Algal PUFAs and Plant polyphenols

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Satyabrath Muni

Founder, Brahma Kamal Research LLP

Founder & CEO, Munico Foods

B.Tech Agri Engg, TNAU, PGP-ABM,
IIM Ahmedabad
7+ years of Experience in Product Development, Project Management & Strategic Marketing Ex Mahindra, Ex TAFE

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Field trials for seaweed cultivation being conducted by BKR team at Chilika

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Interaction with seaweed farmers from Tamilnadu to understand the existing value chain

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Fisherman community leaders from Chilika region taking Seaweed cultivation training along with Brahma Kamal team at CSMCRI station near Rameswaram


+91 82490 37558




Brahma Kamal Research LLP
KIIT-TBI, Room No. 214 KIIT Campus No. 11
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar - 751024

all copyright © 2024 - Brahma kamal